Hannah Teich / Crime Story Daily Editor

Kary Antholis / Editor - Publisher

Paul Butler / Consulting Editor

Kary Antholis

Kary Antholis founded Crime Story Media, LLC in July 2019, after retiring as President of Miniseries and Cinemax Programming at HBO. For full biography, see Publisher Biography link.


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The Makers of “Making a Murderer” on the Podcast

Today’s podcast is part 1 of a 2-Part conversation with Moira Demos and Laura Ricciardi, the makers of the breakout True Crime series Making a Murderer. The conversation was recorded as part of a series of classes that I taught at The University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. Each week I would host an artist for a discussion that would help us better understand their values and aims as storytellers in the world of crime and justice. During part one of our conversation, we discussed Moira’s and Laura’s respective paths into filmmaking, the origins of their pursuit of...

Showrunner of CSI: NY and CSI: Cyber on The Podcast

Today’s podcast is a conversation with Pam Veasey, Showrunner of two of the four series in the CSI franchise: CSI: New York and CSI: CYBER. The conversation was recorded as part of a series of classes that I taught at The University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. Each week I would host an artist for a discussion that would help us better understand their values and aims as storytellers in the world of crime and justice. During our conversation we discussed Pam’s path into storytelling, culminating in how she came to run CSI: New York, what the show’s rules...

Robert Durst’s Warrior in Court – with New Podcast Reading (Durst 5)

This is the fifth in a series of articles about the hearings before the murder trial of Robert Durst. You may click on the hyperlinked titles to read Two Hearings: Robert Durst and Armon Nelson, While Robert Durst Flips Through Photos, Robert Durst Fades Away, and Robert Durst and the Inequity of Judicial Time. Robert Durst admitted that he cut up his neighbor’s body and threw it in Galveston Bay. And yet a Texas jury acquitted him of murder. Durst has a habit of ignoring his attorneys’ guidance and engaging with people who suspect he was involved in other homicides. These are the...

Rising Above Emotion and Primitive Desires (Week 11)

Welcome to our roundup of the week’s events at crimestory.com. It should be clear to anyone who has been paying attention to Crime Story over our first 10 weeks that Molly Miller has emerged as a star storyteller. Molly bookended this week with two of the most powerful and trenchant pieces that we have run on the site.On Monday, in Facing Your Rapist in a Courtroom, she explored the history and implications of the Victim’s Impact Statement as a part of the criminal legal process, in the context of her own experience as a rape survivor.On Friday, in a piece entitled I Hate Men,...

Paul Butler on the Podcast to talk AG Barr, Texas Cops and Criminal and Racial Justice

Joining me today on the podcast is Georgetown Law Professor, Paul Butler. As you may recall, Paul joined me on the day we launched Crime Story to offer his perspective on my interview with Attorney General William Barr. Professor Butler is the author of the widely lauded books “Let’s Get Free: A Hip-Hop Theory of Justice,” and “Chokehold: Policing Black Men.” Paul is also one of the nation’s most frequently consulted scholars on issues of race and criminal justice. Prior to becoming a professor, Butler served as a federal prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice.  On today’s podcast Paul and I...

Mercy, Frustration and Grace (Week 10)

Team Crime Story,Welcome to our roundup of the week’s events at crimestory.com.We begin with Hannah Teich’s curated selection of some of the more interesting stories from Crime Story Daily over the past week.Hannah, who edits this Daily section, groups the aggregation into four general topic areas: criminal justice policy reporting; muckraking/watchdog reporting; complex crime storytelling; and stories that examine the impact of criminal justice and true-crime in the culture.Click on the link below to go to Hannah’s weekly essay. CRIME STORY DAILY - The Week’s Highlights This week in our original content created for the site, (after observing the Monday holiday) we began on Tuesday and Wednesday...