Hannah Teich / Crime Story Daily Editor

Kary Antholis / Editor - Publisher

Paul Butler / Consulting Editor

Kary Antholis

Kary Antholis founded Crime Story Media, LLC in July 2019, after retiring as President of Miniseries and Cinemax Programming at HBO. For full biography, see Publisher Biography link.


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David Simon, Truths and Unintended Cosequences (Week 7)

This week at Crime Story, we began with Chris Tarricone’s Police Force Expert — Taser Certified, which offered a snap-shot perspective on a prosecutor and a witness in the trial of Andrea Moorer (also the subject of Molly Miller’s Strong Female Lead). On Tuesday we published Sean Smith’s Your Honor? I’m Here to Give Myself Up, in which Sean captures two ordinary (for the court) and yet extraordinary (for the defendants) moments of pleas for mercy in the courtroom of Judge Katherine Mader. On Thursday, Molly Miller’s The Truths of Louie Cordero explores the complex motivations and calculations of a young man who is called to testify...

Creator of The Wire, David Simon, Joins Us for the Podcast (Pt. 4)

Today’s podcast is the final part of our four-part interview with David Simon. (You can find part one of the interview here, part two here, and part three here.)   In part four, we discuss David’s creation of The Wire and some of the key themes explored in that series. You can find a complete transcript of this interview here.

Creator of The Wire, David Simon, Joins Us for the Podcast (Pt. 3)

Today’s podcast is the third part of our four-part interview with David Simon. (You can find part one of the interview here and part two here.) In part three, we discuss David’s reporting for the book The Corner: A Year in the Life of an Inner City Neighborhood and his experience producing the multiple Emmy Award-winning miniseries based on that book. You can find a complete transcript of this interview here.

Creator of The Wire, David Simon, Joins Us for the Podcast (Pt. 2)

This podcast is the second part of a four-part interview with David Simon. (You can find part one of the interview here.) In part two we discuss David’s work as a crime reporter for The Baltimore Sun, his writing the book Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets, and his transition to writing for television. You can find a complete transcript of this interview here.

Creator of The Wire, David Simon Joins Us for the Podcast (Pt. 1)

Today’s podcast is a conversation with David Simon.  David and I met when he came in to HBO to pitch The Corner as a television series. The Corner is a book that he wrote with Ed Burns about the year that they spent in an inner-city Baltimore neighborhood ravaged by drug abuse and distribution. Together with his book Homicide, The Corner was the foundation for David’s series The Wire, which has been widely acclaimed as one of the great television series of all time. My aim in sitting down with David was to try to dig into where his storytelling...

Jared Harris Reads, Trump Tweets, Podcasts and the RightWay (Week 6)

Team Crime Story:This week’s Crime Story activity actually began last Friday, with Ken White’s piece for us about The College Bribery Scandal called Felicity Huffman’s Smarter Choices.  That article got considerable traffic throughout the weekend and into the middle of last week as it coincided with the announcement of Huffman’s sentence of 14 days in jail and a $30,000 fine. We followed that with my story story about the implications of President Trump’s unhinged Twitter tirade against John Legend and Chrissy Teigen for the future of his administration’s approach to criminal justice reform.  On Tuesday and Thursday the Crime Story Podcast presented my interviews with Steve...