Hannah Teich / Crime Story Daily Editor

Kary Antholis / Editor - Publisher

Paul Butler / Consulting Editor

Bonus Episode of Durst Trial Podcast: Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband Joins the Robert Durst Circus

In this special breaking news edition of Jury Duty, host Kary Antholis discusses the claim by Bill Stevenson, the ex-husband of First Lady Jill Biden, that he had an affair with Kathie Durst in 1982, just days before she went missing.

New Episode of Durst Trial Podcast: The Brothers Durst Speak

In this episode we explore the testimony of Douglas and Thomas Durst in their brother Robert's murder trial.

Bonus Episode of Durst Trial Podcast: Durst and Guns

In this installment of our series Robert Durst In His Own Words, we dive into Bob's relationship with guns.

Episode Eight of Durst Trial Podcast: The Trial’s Key Moment

Explosive testimony this past week from Emily and Stewart Altman, longtime friends and confidants of Robert Durst.

Bonus Episode of Durst Trial Podcast: Bob Talks about His Shaved Head and His...

You can find links to all of CRIME STORY’S coverage of the Robert Durst trial here. In this special breaking news bonus episode, we detail how...

Bonus Episode of Durst Trial Podcast: A Bizarre Blunder By Durst’s Defense

A photo was used to cast doubt on suspicions that Robert Durst may have harmed his missing wife, Kathie. The only problem? The woman in the picture isn't Kathie.

Episode Seven of Durst Trial Podcast: Susan’s Diarrhea Tell and Bob’s Scream Therapy with...

This episode looks at testimony from several witnesses regarding Susan Berman's actions on behalf of Robert Durst following his wife Kathie's disappearance.

Bonus Episode of Durst Trial Podcast: Prosecutor Empties Bob’s Catheter Bag (or How Sick...

In yet another surreal moment in a case replete with crazy twists, Deputy District Attorney John Lewin told the court on Thursday that he accompanied the defendant Robert Durst to the bathroom to assist him by emptying his catheter bag.

Episode Six of Durst Trial Podcast: On Kathie’s Disappearance and Bob’s Own Words

This episode looks at the prosecution's presentation of strange events in South Salem around the time of Kathie Durst's disappearance.

Susan Berman — A Moving Epilogue (with an update on Robert Durst’s Medical Incident)

This bonus episode of Jury Duty: The Trial of Robert Durst focuses on the most emotional testimony to date — Mella Kaufman, Susan Berman's surrogate daughter.