The Battle for ‘Cop City’ Jack Crosbie, Rolling Stone

Diverse Coalition Unites Against Atlanta’s Plan to Build “Cop City” Alexander Lekhtman, Filter Magazine

Massachusetts Candidates Run for Sheriff as Outsiders to Law Enforcement Alex Burness, Bolts Magazine

In St. Louis, a battle is brewing over police accountability Char Adams, NBC News

The Question of Defunding Police Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic

How the GOP Helped Biden Turn the Tables on ‘Defund the Police’ Katherine Fung, Newsweek

Rifles, Tasers and Jails: How Cities and States Spent Billions of COVID-19 Relief Anastasia Valeeva, Weihua Li, and Susie Cagle, The Marshall Project

Study: Private Prison Population Peaks in United States Rena Abdusalam, Davis Vanguard

Private prison firm to settle lawsuit over inmate death Jonathan Mattise, ABC News

“Hellholes”: Heat Waves Worsen Conditions in Prisons with No Air Conditioning, Understaffing Democracy Now!

‘I thought I was going to die there.’ What it’s like to live with rising temperatures in prison Hannah Grabenstein and Justin Stabley, PBS

At my son’s prison, it’s 116 degrees Cheryl Smith, Philadelphia Inquirer

Judges behind “kids-for-cash” scandal ordered to pay more than $200M Herb Scribner, Axios

Maryland’s Obsession with Trying Children as Adults J. Brian Charles, Baltimore Beat

Letting Kids Be Kids Elizabeth Letourneau, Inquest

The fight to end juvenile life sentences without parole – which only happen in America Josh Marcus, The Independent

Long prison sentences might cause – not prevent – violent crime. Tana Ganeva, Substack

Editorial: Solitary confinement is torture. US prisons should stop using it. Washington Post

Survivors of Solitary Confinement Tell Their Stories in “The Box” Jackson Vail, The New Yorker

Twenty Years in Solitary – A Play in 20 Acts Alex Friedmann, PEN America

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