How Did Guns Get So Powerful? Phil Klay, The New Yorker
Gun Reforms Are Popular. Why Don’t Our Laws Reflect That? Tom Kutsch, The Trace
The American Political System Is Designed to Thwart Gun Control Matt Ford, New Republic
Senators strike bipartisan gun deal, heralding potential breakthrough Mike DeBonis and Leigh Ann Caldwell, Washington Post
Bipartisan gun control framework could be first meaningful legislation in decades Ellen Ioanes, Vox
What’s in the bipartisan gun deal and what’s not Lauren Fox and Devan Cole, CNN
How the Police Turned Against Gun Control Adam Serwer, The Atlantic
Can Progressive DAs Beat the ‘Tough on Crime’ Backlash? Miriam Krinsky, The Crime Report
What the San Francisco DA Recall Really Tells Us John Pfaff, Slate
What Democrats Understand About Crime That Chesa Boudin Did Not Bill Scher, Washington Monthly
There’s Still Hope for Prosecutorial Reform After Recall of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin Marc Levin, Reason
Two races for Bay Area top prosecutors reflect push for criminal justice reform Natalie Hanson, Courthouse News Service
DA Candidate Vows to End Death Sentences In Las Vegas, a Capital Punishment Stronghold Sam Mellins, Bolts Magazine
Busting the Myth Brad Haywood, Inquest
“The Staircase” Deconstructs the True-Crime Genre Doreen St. Félix, The New Yorker
How Can People Fall Asleep To True Crime Shows And Podcasts? Drusilla Moorhouse, BuzzFeed News