The Emerging Plot to Defend Trump’s Next Coup Jason Linkins, New Republic
‘Quick Reaction Forces’ And The Lingering Mysteries Of The Plot Against The Capitol Ryan J. Reilly, HuffPost
What the January 6th Papers Reveal Amy Davidson Sorkin, The New Yorker
Is Biden Ignoring a Key Tool to Combat Violent Extremists? Suzanne Smalley, Politico
Jury selection begins in federal hate crimes trial for Ahmaud Arbery’s killers Raisa Habersham, USA Today
The hate crimes trial of Ahmaud Arbery’s murderers will put racism in the spotlight Jamil Smith, Vox
Black communities are most victimized by gun violence. Too often it’s assumed we are to blame Gregory Jackson Jr., The Guardian
The Risks of Overselling Violence Interruption Errol Louis, New York Magazine
Want to fight crime? Take on the gun lobby. EJ Dionne Jr., Washington Post
As violent crime leaps, liberal cities rethink cutting police budgets The Economist
How Democrats went from defund to refund the police Alex Seitz-Wald, NBC News
Why Going After ‘Bad Apple’ Cops Won’t End Misconduct Eva Herscowitz, The Crime Report
An officer in Breonna Taylor’s shooting is going to trial. To some activists, ‘it means nothing.’ Marisa Iati, Washington Post
To reform policing accountability, states need not wait on Supreme Court and Congress Alexander A. Reinert, Joanna C. Schwartz, and James E. Pfander, USA Today
Voter Fraud Propagandists Are Recycling Jim Crow Rhetoric Nick Tabor, New Republic
The Black woman sentenced to six years in prison over a voting error Sam Levine, The Guardian
She was told she could vote again after felony convictions. Now she’s in prison for trying. Timothy Bella, Washington Post
Federal Bureau of Prisons Failures Worsened Impact of COVID-19: Critic The Crime Report
A sentence that never ends: How probation kept a Pennsylvania man locked up through the pandemic – even after his release date Charles R. Davis, Insider
Out of Prison and Broke, Wrongly Convicted Sell Their Cases Roy Strom, Bloomberg Law