You can find links to all of CRIME STORY’S coverage of the Robert Durst trial here.

In this episode, The Interview, host Kary Antholis and co-host Brittany Bookbinder examine the very first meeting of Robert Durst and Deputy DA John Lewin: A wide-ranging, Mirandized interview in the New Orleans Parish Prison in March 2015. Over several hours, Deputy DA Lewin interviewed Robert Durst about his favorite subject: Robert Durst. Kary and Brittany are joined by Charles V. Bagli, who is covering the trial for The New York Times and, to discuss what can be expected as the prosecution rests their case and the defense begins theirs.

Also in this episode we report on a strange turn of events that happened in court on Tuesday, August 3, 2021. That day, defendant Robert Durst spoke up, objecting to prosector Eugene Miyata reading aloud from the document known as ‘The BD Story’ –Durst’s diary and unpublished autobiography. Moments later, he turned his chair around, looking incredulously at Miyata. Video below:

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