PM Stories
What is cash bail and why is it so problematic? Vanessa Taylor, Mic
How Illinois Eliminated Cash Bail Grace Tatter and Meghna Chakrabarti, WBUR
Harris County got rid of cash bail for many people accused of minor crimes. GOP lawmakers want to walk that back. Jolie McCullough, Texas Tribune
Oklahoma Introduces Bill to Roll Back Criminal Justice Reforms The Crime Report
Prosecutors, defense attorneys condemn ‘bad faith’ bill to repeal bail reform Annie Knox, Deseret News
‘Treat them as humans’: Advocates lobby senators for prison reform Christian Boone, Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Public defenders plead for COVID-19 vaccination priority as criminal trials resume Joe Nelson, San Bernardino Sun
‘I Want This Over’: For Victims and the Accused, Justice Is Delayed as COVID-19 Snarls Courts Melissa Chan, Time
Misdemeanor court has been closed for a year. Keep it that way. Vida Johnson, John Copacino, and Abbe Smith, Washington Post
It’s time to repeal the worst criminal justice law of the past 30 years Radley Balko, Washington Post
Two Men, Two Decades, No Evidence David Leonhardt, New York Times
‘Why’d You Pick Me?’: Eyewitness Reforms Offer Limited Help To Those Convicted Decades Ago Karen Brown, New England Public Media
A Las Vegas Judge Approves $1.4 Million Payment to Wrongfully Convicted Man Who Served More Than Two Decades Megan Rose, ProPublica
Rapper Mac Phipps, After 20 Years In Prison, Is One Step Closer To Freedom Rodney Carmichael and Sidney Madden, NPR
The Prison Drawings of Frank Jones Edward M. Gómez, Hyperallergic
‘If I Can’t Have You: The Jodi Arias Story’ Review: Outrage Revisited John Anderson, Wall Street Journal
AM Stories
FBI director says domestic terrorism ‘metastasizing’ throughout US as cases soar Devlin Barrett and Matt Zapotosky, Washington Post
Hate crimes against Asian Americans rose in LA in 2020, mirroring national trend Kevin Rector, Los Angeles Times
The Muddled History of Anti-Asian Violence Hua Hsu, The New Yorker
Oakland Mayor Blames Crime Wave Against Asians on Defunded Police; Black and Asian Activists Disagree Katherine Fung, Newsweek
The Push for Accountability Following 2020’s Racial Justice Uprisings WNYC
George Floyd’s killing started a movement. 9 months later, what’s changed? Nolan D. McCaskill, Politico
George Floyd Trial Centers on Police Tactic That Is Hard to Prosecute Jacob Gershman, Wall Street Journal
Minneapolis Abandons Plan to Pay Influencers During Officers’ Trials Neil Vigdor, New York Times
Massachusetts’ Progressive Lawmakers Push Congress to Abolish Qualified Immunity Akela Lacy, the Intercept
Police reform bills sweep the virtual statehouse, but outcome uncertain Ted Alcorn, New Mexico In Depth
The tension between border town police and Navajos is real. And these people are trying to change that. Sam Stecklow, Salt Lake Tribune