PM Stories
The Ahmaud Arbery case exposes the failures of the criminal justice system Adrienne Chudzinski, Washington Post
“Not Who We Are”? This Is All America Has Ever Been. Nathalie Baptiste, Mother Jones
Georgia Killing Puts Spotlight on a Police Force’s Troubled History Rick Rojas, Richard Fausset, and Serge F. Kovaleski, New York Times
The District Attorney Who Saw “No Grounds for Arrest” in the Killing of Ahmaud Arbery Has a History Joel Anderson, Slate
The Voting Rights of Florida Citizens Hang in the Balance Once Again Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, Talking Points Memo
For cops who kill, special Supreme Court protection Andrew Chung, Lawrence Hurley, Jackie Botts, Andrea Januta, and Guillermo Gomez, Reuters
Courts Grant Qualified Immunity to Cops in More Than Half of Cases When Invoked CJ Ciaramella, Reason
Oregon’s DA Elections Mock Democracy, Again Daniel Nichanian, The Appeal
Unjust Convictions Must Become a Justice Department Priority Dana Mulhauser, New York Times
A Growing Number of State Courts Are Confronting Unconscious Racism In Jury Selection Beth Schwartzapfel, The Marshall Project
True Crime in Indian Country: “Yellow Bird” Belongs on Your Quarantine Reading List Becca Andrews, Mother Jones
Netflix’s Trial by Media Interrogates the Relationship Between Journalism and Justice. But What’s the Verdict? Judy Berman, Time
AM Stories
Mass Incarceration Poses a Uniquely American Risk in the Coronavirus Pandemic Alice Speri, The Intercept
Coronavirus Has Changed Everything for Police Across the Country Zusha Elinson, Wall Street Journal
America’s Crowded Prisons Are About to Create a Coronavirus Crisis in Rural America Tana Ganeva, The Intercept
Federal investigations curtailed amid coronavirus Del Quentin Wilber, Los Angeles Times
Coronavirus forces prosecutors to embrace video conferencing in criminal probes. It’s raised a host of issues. Erica Orden, CNN
Less crowded jails, fewer arrests and time for long-needed fixes. Coronavirus has been positive in some areas of criminal justice, leaders say. Justin Fenton, Baltimore Sun
Crime doesn’t pay but prison does, even during a pandemic Robin McDowell and Margie Mason, Associated Press
Sluggish LA County Courts Are Leaving Young People Locked Up During the Pandemic LJ Dawson, The Appeal
Inmates seeking compassionate release face laws not built for COVID-19 (Connecticut) Kelan Lyons, CT Mirror
Commutations in Pennsylvania Are Postponed Indefinitely as COVID-19 Spreads Joshua Vaughn, The Appeal
Lockdown diaries Samantha Melamed, Philadelphia Inquirer
How Can You Help People in Prison Right Now? Audrey Garces, KQED